Monday, July 4, 2016

Rogue One Explanation!

               Today, many people may be mystified about the movie, Rogue One. But today, I will explain almost everything to you! You will most likely be interested if you are a fan of Star Wars and is looking forward to the new movie coming out in December. All of this information comes from an Entertainment magazine. Now, I shall explain the characters and objects that are in it along with a short summary and maybe some theories. Here we go and I will start with the characters first that I know of. If you haven't seen the trailer, here it is:


Jyn Erso

(Played by the actor Felicity Jones)

            Part of the rebel spies who are going to steal the Death Star plans. (the secret weapon was unknown until they stole it.) She is a streetwise outlaw who has been relying on herself since the age 15. She used to be a trouble maker and criminal until she joined the Rebel Alliance. The people making the film think she is a lot like Han Solo. Speaking of the smuggler, they will be making a story like Rogue 1 about Han Solo which will be available next winter.

Captain Cassian Andor

(Played by Diego Luna)

              Cassian is a by-the-book rebel, meaning he usually likes doing things that are instructional or in a book. That probably means he isn't that creative. However, he is probably more usually seen in battle than planning strategies and things like that. Here are some images of him:

Chirrut Imwe

(Played by Donnie Yen)

          He ain't a Jedi, but he follows the ways of the Jedi and he uses his spirit I guess to override his blindness. (He is blind, but I don't know how he got blind. I guess trying to use the Force to guide him too much?) He dreams of becoming a great warrior.

Baze Malbus

(Played by Jiang Wen)

             Usually seen in several layers of armor, he uses modern blasters instead of ancient kinds. Guess he is the kind of up-to-date person. However, he will always protect his friend, Chirrut  no matter what. If you were Chirrut, I bet you would be very grateful for Baze. Here is a photograph of him:


(Played by Alan Tudyk)

           A security droid who can be imagined as Chewbacca in robot form, or the antithesis of C3P0
as one of the people helping with the Rogue 1 movie says. This information was paraphrased from an Entertainment magazine. Here is a picture of it:

Bodhi Rook

(Played by Riz Ahmed)

              He is the Rebel's spies main pilot who is a hotshot. He can be a little, you know, dramatic, but the group relies on him totally for flying a spaceship. Here is a photo of him:

Saw Gererra

(Played by Forest Whitaker)

He first appeared in the Clone Wars animated series as a freedom fighter but wrongly called a terrorist. In Rogue I, he still does bad things for the good cause. Photograph

Galen Erso

(Played by Mads Mikkelson)

           He is Jyn's father and probably most like nuclear pioneer J. Robert Oppenheimer. His history involves with both the Rebels and the Empire. Here is the photograph:

Director Orson Krennic

(Played by Ben Mendelsohn)

             This villain is very intimidating and he is a very important member of the Imperial hierarchy
and he is willing to climb higher up the ranks. Here is an image of this scary man:

Death Troopers

              Onyx faced troopers who serve the Empire. They look really epic though. Here is an image of this super cool troop:

Shore Troopers

           Dust colored storm troopers who patrol the shores of the beach. Yep, some of the movie takes place on the beach.

Storm Troopers

           The standard Imperial soldier who is white.

Darth Vader

(Played by James Earl)

             He is the black armored Sith who is famous. He is apprenticed to Darth Sideous (I forgot how to spell it.) otherwise known as Emperor Palpatine. He carries a red light saber and used to be on the side of the Jedi. He, under. the helmet, is Anakin Skywalker. Vader and Orson Krennic aren't exactly friends and are barely allies. Here is a photo of this ghastly Sith Lord:


Death Star

           Imagine a moon. Then add evil behind the word 'moon'. That would make evil moon, or in other words, an artificial moon that has lots of bad guys in it and can blow up entire planets. This is the secret weapon.

Imperial Walker AT-ACT

             AT-ACT stands for All Terrain Armored Cargo Transports.
The only thing I know is that they probably look a lot like imperial AT-ATs, but transport stuff.

TIE Striker

             Wondering what TIE stands for? Well, it stands for Twin Ion Engine. A TIE striker is basically a tie interceptor, except with only two wings instead of four. They are a lot like fangs. Here is this new variant of the TIE fighter:

             If you saw the end of the trailer, you would see Jyn Erso wearing an Imperial uniform. You probably thought she joined the Imperials, but I think she wore that costume to fool other real Imperials which will make the job easier! Also, when, I saw an object being blown up which looked like Kylo Ren's shuttle, I was mystified if it was Kylo's shuttle. But, I don't think it is since he didn't exist yet, so I think it is an Imperial base being blown up by the Rebel spies.

             There some other characters like Mon Mothma and the X-Wing pilots, but I didn't  mention them for two reasons, they were too minor and I didn't want to ruin the whole thing for you guys!

             Overall, I think the movie is about a bunch of Rebel spies trying to get the Death Star plans. If the Rebels have never recruited this spy group, who knows if the Rebels would have ready for Battle Of Yavin!

         Oh, and by the way,  I will try to draw a Death Trooper Pig, Shore Trooper Pig, and the Angry Birds Star Wars version of the TIE Striker. (Since Arca didn't think about it yet!)  I will be making more (at least I will try!) of the Angry Birds fan art with the Rogue One characters. These images will come later in separate posts since it might take a long time.

Also, this is a spoiler alert since the video below is a celebration reel and it's a behind the scenes video! It's epic though!!!!


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