Monday, October 31, 2016


Image result for happy halloween

As you know, today was Halloween!! A time where you go from house to house dressed in a costume (or not dressed in a costume!) to say "Trick or Treat" and get candy. Yes, that is true, but there is a deeper reason. It goes all the way back then.

Origin and History Of Halloween

As you all know, Halloween is on the last day of October, the last day of the Celtic Calendar (That part you might not know!). It was originally a pagan holiday and during the holiday, they would honor the dead. However, it was not always referred to as "Halloween." 2000 years ago, it was often called, "All Hallows Eve." As the years passed, the name evolved into "Halloween."

In Halloween's history, it specifically says that the souls of the dead wandered the streets. People assumed that not all of them were friendly or neutral, so they put out treats to satisfy them. As time flies by, this practice slowly changed to what we call, "Trick Or Treating."

That must have been interesting (or boring) eh? Well this Halloween, I planned to go Trick-or-Treating with Arca, my friend here:

Kylo Ren Unmasked!

Well, as you can see in the background, there are other people. How? I invited them to join my party along the way. Here is a group picture, but however, this is only one half of the group. The other part went ahead:

So now, let's see if I can remember all of the people that were in the group:

  • Me (obviously)
  • My mom
  • Helena 
  • Helena's mom
  • Sabrina
  • Jade
  • Anushka
  • Anushka's brother
  • Jade
  • Ava
  • Kevin
  • Arca
  • Some other guy (sorry)
  • My brother
  • Adrian (he went later.)
  • Kimberly
  • Lance
  • Carolina
  • Carolina's two little brothers
  • Carolina's big brother
  • Arushi (maybe that's how you spell it?)
That's basically all the people I traveled from house to house with. You might be wondering, where is my costume? Well, it got demolished halfway there, but I was glad to take it off. (It's hard running in that.) Luckily, I just got a photo with my homemade costume at the last minute just for the sake of getting one:

(We were all squinting our eyes due to the sunlight.)

Lastly, I have to say, I laughed at this. 

This is a worker dressed up as a dinosaur.

Lastly, I would like to end this up with... CANDY!

(Challenge: Try and see if you can get the closest estimate to the amount of candy I got!)

My candy:

The answer is 123!!!

For now, I hope you had a Happy Halloween, so:

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

New Blog Update!

Just as a reminder, don't think that this isn't my blog. I changed it and let's see if you can find the pumpkin!!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The New Google+ Moderator Elections Will Begin!

Registrations will no longer be taken at the end of October.
Image result for G+