Sunday, April 17, 2016

My New YouTube Videos!

Hi! Haven't heard from me for a long time, eh? Well, here I am with two new YouTube videos. They are both pretty good and one is a really big surprise. I won't tell you what it is, though, because you have to look at the videos. Look at the first one first otherwise you are going to ruin the surprise and be a big party pooper. Hint: They are about something to do with Star wars

Speaking of Star Wars, there is this awesome video that summarizes the Star Wars episodes one, two, three four, five, and six. [ARCA's NOTE: The following is not true. I watched the video and know that it does include Return of the Jedi which is episode 6.] According to Xiang: "I am not sure about the six though". I rate it a:

1 comment:

  1. It is 6. This comes from someone who knows that the force awakens was episode 7, and return of the jedi was 6. I actually watched all of them, and in order!
