Speaking of videos, just in case if you wanted to learn from video, I put it on the very bottom. The videos explain the more complex version of Bridge or Texas Holdem. My explanation will be a little different than the video. I will start with Texas Holdem first since it was the first one I learned and also, more simpler than bridge.
This game requires 2 - infinite players.
To set up the game, you need cards 2-10 and cards, Jack-Ace of each symbol,
And finally, diamonds:
Then, you put it all into one deck of cards.
The next thing you do is to get the currency since you will be betting. You can use different objects as the currency such as Legos, a different type of cards, or if you are old enough, real money! You can also decide how much "money" or money will be distributed to each player.
To start the game, from the deck, place three cards face up where every body can see it. Then, distribute 2 cards to each player. These cards that the players are holding must be unknown to other players until the end.
Now the real game starts!! Each player has to put in one "dollar"/dollar. that will be the winning money. The players take turns calling. On your turn, you have two choices to call out. Either you pass (and you don't do anything else) or you pay (when you put in more money into the winning stash.) When you pay, that gives the other players the decision to either pass (give up) or follow (do the same thing and put the same amount of money as the person who put in more money.) After this action is done, you may draw one card from the deck and add it to the three cards already face up. The only situation when you can draw two cards and place them along with the three cards already on the field is when one person issues an "all in" (putting all their money in)
In order to win a match (there are several matches in a game of Texas Holdem) you need to form the best combo. Here is the combo list:
When winning the money, you only win the amount of money from each player the amount you put in. For example, if you put only 3 dollars, and the other people put in four dollars, then you only earn three dollars from each person.
To win the entire game, there are two situations:
Using fake money or "money" (Legos, or Chocolate coins.)
You can play until you have all the people's money.
Using real money:
Play until your opponents don't have any more money or if they don't want to continue to stop losing their money.
When you put in all your money, it probably says to other players that you have really good cards! Well, you can also do that to fool other people into thinking that you have really good cards and make them give up. This action, however is incredibly risky since I have done this a few times. I lost some of them and earned some other times. This action is not recommended unless if you are an extreme daredevil.
If you do have good cards, you should slowly step by step put in money little by little so that they don't realize that you have extremely good cards. if you just use the "all in" option, your opponents will either see this as a trick or just give up at such a defiant and sudden move.
Don't give up that easily!if you have a bad hand, wait until the next card, because you never know if it will turn the tables!!
Now, I will tell you how to play Bridge, a more complex card game:
This game version will be without points and it requires ONLY 4 players.
Set Up:
Two people sit across from each other and two people sit across from each other. The person across from you is your teammate. You will use the same deck of cards as you used in the game, Texas Holdem. However, you will not need any currency.
Each player is distributed thirteen cards. Then, that means there will be no more cards in the deck. Then, you organize your cards from greatest to least. The greatest is spade, then hearts, then diamonds, and lastly, club/clover.
The game:
So how this works, is that first, all the people bet, in a clockwise order. You want to bet the symbol of which the highest amount of cards of that symbol you have. For example, if you have the highest amount of cards in spades, you should bet spades.
In addition, you need to bet a number of. For example, you could bet, 1 spade. Also, you could pass if you agree with the bet. However, in order to win a bet, you have to have the highest bet. If somebody bets a 1 spade, if you have the least amount of spades, then you have to bet
1. 2 hearts
2. 2 clover/club
3. 2 diamonds
You can also refer to the other paragraph about the highest symbol, to the lowest symbol.
The symbol that wins the bet is the trump. (I wonder if Donald Trump had anything to do with this.) the trump is the symbol that can dominate. So let's say that every body puts down a diamond. (I will explain that later.) If you don't have any diamonds, or in general, any symbol that they put down, you could use a trump card. then, you could win that suit. Also, in bet, if you win the bet, your teammate is the dummy. The dummy has to put down his cards. He still plays normally. (the original rules said that the bidder, or the person that won the bet gets to choose what cards the dummy uses. I though that was unfair, so I changed it.) Also, if you are the bidder, you have to win a certain amount of suits based on how much you bid (like 1 spade.) and add six to it. That is the amount of suits you need to win.
To play, each player puts down a card. The person with the highest card wins. However, if you don't have a card of that symbol, you either replace it with a non-trump card (and lose the suit), or a trump card in which you will win the suit.
If you reach your suit goal, you win.
If the bidder doesn't reach the suit goal, the opponents win.
In all, there are thirteen suits in all. The game ends when everybody has no more cards.
If your teammate is the dummy, that is good and bad in some ways. The good thing is that you get to know what your teammates cards are.
If your teammate places down a high that will surely win, get rid of your least numbered card.
You can make the other team fail just by inferring in the bet! If you bet something like 4 spade and they don't have spades, they will probably continue to 5 heart/diamond/club. then, they will have to win 11 suits out of 13 suits!!
Video Guides:
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