Sunday, September 25, 2016

How to make and edit your own #SaveXiangsChickens video on YouTube using only your computer

Hi, guys! This is Arca. I have some good news: We have reached over 130 supporters! That is an insane amount for only 2 days. Today, I will be showing you a way to spread the news on YouTube. This is mostly meant for Xiang, but if you are one of our friends or somebody we know, you can have a go at it as well. Be sure to use all of your accounts while doing so! A computer (NOT a phone or tablet), is required to do this.


Step 1: "Save image" on the photo below.

Step 2: Go to You should be on the homepage. Near the top right-hand corner, there is a box that says "Upload". Click on it.

Step 3: Below the words "photo slideshow", click on "create". 

Step 4: It should show a screen where you can select photos to put in the slideshow. Click on "upload photos".

Step 5: Click on select photos from your computer. Type in "chickenxiangpetition" and it should come up. Click on "chickenxiangpetition.png". Click on "open".

Step 6: Click on "next".

Step 7: It should take you to some editing options. Underneath where it says "Slide duration:, click on the box below and select "10 seconds". 

Step 8: Underneath where it says "slide effect", click on the box and select "none". Then click on the blue "Upload" button.

Step 9: Change the title of the video to: SAVE XIANG'S CHICKENS! (Link to petition in description)

Step 10: In the description, delete whatever is already in it and copy+paste the following, and after that, you may click publish:

Here is the petition:

Xiang Meng is a friend of mine. His family has been owning pet chickens for a while. They are getting older. The officials of Marlboro, NJ want to take them away. The chickens have not caused any harm. Yet they are going to be taken away to some farmers. This is unfair since the Meng family has owned them since they were still in eggs. They have become very attached to them. They have the freedom to keep pets, as long as they are not dangerous. They keep them in a cage outside. This petition is for the Mengs to be able to keep their chickens. We only have 2 weeks to have this happen, so spread the news!

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