On the bus today, me and Arca were filming ourselves singing our new song, Hotwheels dana dana, defino dann dann, dann dann... It is really good! It goes like this: Hotwheels, danadana, Defino, danndanndanndunn racing down the hallways, teachers yellin at us, cuz its hotwheels, Hotwheels, danadana, Defino, danndanndanndunn my butt was, on fire, papers falling out of my backpack, cuz its Hotwheels, danadana, Defino, danndanndanndunn and so on. You could add your own things in it. I reccommend you sing it on the bus if the bus driver allows to annoy your enemies or something or show the style of:
Hotwheels, danadana, Defino, danndanndanndunn
Note: That does not mean we like Hotwheels.
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