Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Hello, I decided to restore this blog, and I originally left because some of the stuff here was really cringy. I guess I want to return it, but I'll post here sometimes, as well as my other blog. Things I post on my other blog will be posted here. But i don't know. I guess I'll post here less. But okay.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Visit this new blog. I have started a new fresh start. Check it out!
Friday, April 14, 2017
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Friday, February 10, 2017
GET SHREKT: The game (warning- extremely loud noises, put up your volume at care)
Use arrow keys to move Shikkity Shreek. USE SPACEBAR TO GET SHREKT. WEAR head PHONEs to get double shrekt. YEYEYEYYE!! good luck :)
Use arrow keys to move Shikkity Shreek. USE SPACEBAR TO GET SHREKT. WEAR head PHONEs to get double shrekt. YEYEYEYYE!! good luck :)
Thursday, February 9, 2017
If you haven't noticed, this is our major snow that I wished for! I will be making another post for this snow! See ya later!
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Which game is better, Super Smash Bros, Or Pokemon Sun/Moon?
Prove Arca wrong, and say that Pokemon Sun/Moon is WAY better that Super Smash Poos. I mean, bros.
Arca, get wrecked, I already got 2 votes.
Arca, get wrecked, I already got 2 votes.
Friday, February 3, 2017
New Category Intro + Pokemon Sun/Moon Rumors + MY TEAM!!
AYYYYYYY!!!! Its Xiang, and I, today, am starting a new category, and it will be about Pokemon! The new category is specifically for Pokemon, and I have no idea why I haven't thunk of this in the past.
![Image result for pokemon sun and moon wallpaper](
So, mainly, this will be about the Pokemon Moon game, since that is the only one that I have experience with and also the one I haven't finished. I also did this since I didn't have anything else to write, and I figured this could get interesting. If you don't like Pokemon, just say in comments, "I HATE POKEMON." Otherwise, don't ignore this. This is a new category, and I think I could whip up a Pokemon post per two weeks depending on what their is to write about. So, lets get started.
New Game Series:
Lately, there have been rumors of either a new Pokemon Stars game, or Pokemon Eclipse game coming out, and below is the rumored legendary.
![Image result for pokemon stars/pokemon eclipse](
And the logos:
![Image result for pokemon stars/pokemon eclipse](
![Image result for pokemon stars/pokemon eclipse](
However, I believe that Pokemon Eclipse will be the third game since it already released out a possible legendary and that Pokemon Stars will be part of another generation of games. However, this is only my opinion, and Game Freak could have surprised everyone and made two extra games instead of one.
Another hint is the alchemy. Even though I can't fully explain it, all I know is that the starter Pokemon look like symbols in alchemy I think, or Greek myths. I think its the Greek myths, and the legendary Pokemon is based of Cerberus. For more accurate explanations, look at this video:
Oh wait, its GREEK ALCHEMY.
(Or, I think.)
Okay, moving on, I think you would be very intrigued in this section. My team in Pokemon Moon currently isn't that good, but in terms of evolution "future", this is pretty much my team, and why I chose that Pokemon. Also, this is from favorite, to least favorite.
Slot 1: Garchomp
![Image result for garchomp](
I found this Pokemon in the Haina Desert, after an SOS encounter. It took me literally 10 minutes to find a Pokemon who will actually call for help. I also killed 40 innocent Sandiles and Dugtrios to get one of these, except it was a Gabite. A level 28 Gabite that took 2 days to just get it to level 38. It evolves at level 48, so looks like I will have to brine for now. It's mega evolution has way better stats, but one, he looks ugly, and two, his speed stats are lowered. THEY SHOULD BE HIGHER. So, Game Freak decides to make an ugly bird-dinosaur and give it lower speed stats. Great idea, people.
Slot 2: Flygon
![Related image](
You might be asking, "Why Flygon? You already have two Dragon/Ground types!!" I don't really care, Flygon just looks cool, and has good movesets. I just hope they give it a mega evolution later, but not an ugly bird-dinosaur one. Preferably something like this:
![Image result for mega flygon](
Though, it's head isn't that good. Also, this is fan art, so I'm just hoping its like this, with a better head. I also found this in the Haina Desert, and by that time, it was only a level 30 something Trapinch. Soon, it evolved into a Vibrava, and now it is pretty close to evolving, since it is level 43. My strategy for this one was just random luck. If you ever watched the video or played, I just waited until one of those clusters of sand touched me. Apparently, it worked, and I got a Trapinch!
Slot 3: Kommo-o
![Related image](
He likes watermelons too! Now you're are probably wondering if I have a problem. Well, I like dragon types, so, you have a problem with that?
Slot 4: Lunala
![Image result for Lunala](
This is finally not a dragon type, and there will be no more dragon types. I caught this with a master ball though, since I thought it would be more honorable for a legendary to be caught with it. This Pokemon is a particularly an important member of the team for being bad ass and killing everything in one shot. So, don't mess with it.
Slot 5: Decidueye
![Image result for Decidueye](
This was my starter Pokemon, and I felt it was honorable if I kept my starter from the start of the game. At the beginning, I named my Rowlet, Hawkeye, since I knew it would evolve into a decidueye.
Slot 6: Alolan Sandslash
![Image result for Alolan Sandslash](
I found a Sandshrew in the mountains, and evolved it into a Sandslash with the ice stone. It is only a temporary part of the team, but I still put it here.
Anyways, that is the last part of the posts. This is only the first one, so you should expect more later on. BUH-BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
![Image result for pokemon sun and moon wallpaper](
So, mainly, this will be about the Pokemon Moon game, since that is the only one that I have experience with and also the one I haven't finished. I also did this since I didn't have anything else to write, and I figured this could get interesting. If you don't like Pokemon, just say in comments, "I HATE POKEMON." Otherwise, don't ignore this. This is a new category, and I think I could whip up a Pokemon post per two weeks depending on what their is to write about. So, lets get started.
New Game Series:
Lately, there have been rumors of either a new Pokemon Stars game, or Pokemon Eclipse game coming out, and below is the rumored legendary.
And the logos:
![Image result for pokemon stars/pokemon eclipse](
However, I believe that Pokemon Eclipse will be the third game since it already released out a possible legendary and that Pokemon Stars will be part of another generation of games. However, this is only my opinion, and Game Freak could have surprised everyone and made two extra games instead of one.
Another hint is the alchemy. Even though I can't fully explain it, all I know is that the starter Pokemon look like symbols in alchemy I think, or Greek myths. I think its the Greek myths, and the legendary Pokemon is based of Cerberus. For more accurate explanations, look at this video:
Oh wait, its GREEK ALCHEMY.
(Or, I think.)
Okay, moving on, I think you would be very intrigued in this section. My team in Pokemon Moon currently isn't that good, but in terms of evolution "future", this is pretty much my team, and why I chose that Pokemon. Also, this is from favorite, to least favorite.
Slot 1: Garchomp
I found this Pokemon in the Haina Desert, after an SOS encounter. It took me literally 10 minutes to find a Pokemon who will actually call for help. I also killed 40 innocent Sandiles and Dugtrios to get one of these, except it was a Gabite. A level 28 Gabite that took 2 days to just get it to level 38. It evolves at level 48, so looks like I will have to brine for now. It's mega evolution has way better stats, but one, he looks ugly, and two, his speed stats are lowered. THEY SHOULD BE HIGHER. So, Game Freak decides to make an ugly bird-dinosaur and give it lower speed stats. Great idea, people.
Slot 2: Flygon
You might be asking, "Why Flygon? You already have two Dragon/Ground types!!" I don't really care, Flygon just looks cool, and has good movesets. I just hope they give it a mega evolution later, but not an ugly bird-dinosaur one. Preferably something like this:
Though, it's head isn't that good. Also, this is fan art, so I'm just hoping its like this, with a better head. I also found this in the Haina Desert, and by that time, it was only a level 30 something Trapinch. Soon, it evolved into a Vibrava, and now it is pretty close to evolving, since it is level 43. My strategy for this one was just random luck. If you ever watched the video or played, I just waited until one of those clusters of sand touched me. Apparently, it worked, and I got a Trapinch!
Slot 3: Kommo-o
He likes watermelons too! Now you're are probably wondering if I have a problem. Well, I like dragon types, so, you have a problem with that?
Slot 4: Lunala
This is finally not a dragon type, and there will be no more dragon types. I caught this with a master ball though, since I thought it would be more honorable for a legendary to be caught with it. This Pokemon is a particularly an important member of the team for being bad ass and killing everything in one shot. So, don't mess with it.
Slot 5: Decidueye
This was my starter Pokemon, and I felt it was honorable if I kept my starter from the start of the game. At the beginning, I named my Rowlet, Hawkeye, since I knew it would evolve into a decidueye.
Slot 6: Alolan Sandslash
![Image result for Alolan Sandslash](
I found a Sandshrew in the mountains, and evolved it into a Sandslash with the ice stone. It is only a temporary part of the team, but I still put it here.
Anyways, that is the last part of the posts. This is only the first one, so you should expect more later on. BUH-BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Happy Chinese New Year!
I haven't made much of a post in the past few weeks, but I just want to say Happy Chinese New Year!
![Image result for red envelope]()
This day also brings back some memories back when I was a fifth grader, and when I was a Neophyte in making this blog. Anyways, in the morning my brother and I get twenty dollars each from our parents, and five dollars from Mrs. Ang, Young's mom. Some people get like, what, two hundred dollars, but I just call that cheap money.
In the day, instead of staying home, we went to China Town to see the Dragon/lion dance. It was so crowded, and I felt like I was getting suffocated, but after all, I am typing this, so I am alive. We didn't have much luck on the dragon dance, since I could barely see a thing, but I was lucky to get a close up on the lion.
![Related image](
![Image result for chinese new year 2017 chinatown](
We got to eat some delicious food their too, and I got a rooster necklace, since I was born in 2005, the rooster year. Anyways, that was pretty much what we did there.
Also, the new year, means some new post updates!
I'll give you a couple of hints of the theme I will be selecting for a new string of posts.
It's a brand.
Its icon is red, white, and black
(That's all I am telling you.)
These new posts start whenever I am ready, which will probably be like on Young's birthday, February 2nd.
I decided to write a whole new section of posts specifically about something I can't reveal yet. Also, it would be helpful if you can fill out form that requires a really short answer. For the form, you can ask me anything you want me to write about.
"As long it's appropriate."
-Arca at MMMS
"I consider inappropriate, appropriate, but really inappropriate, inappropriate."
So, please give me some suggestions for posts, and remember, it can be whatever you want it to be as long as its... you know, you could always read those quotes from the famous philosopher, Xiang Meng.
Wow. My post writing skeeels aren't as rusty as I thought.
This day also brings back some memories back when I was a fifth grader, and when I was a Neophyte in making this blog. Anyways, in the morning my brother and I get twenty dollars each from our parents, and five dollars from Mrs. Ang, Young's mom. Some people get like, what, two hundred dollars, but I just call that cheap money.
In the day, instead of staying home, we went to China Town to see the Dragon/lion dance. It was so crowded, and I felt like I was getting suffocated, but after all, I am typing this, so I am alive. We didn't have much luck on the dragon dance, since I could barely see a thing, but I was lucky to get a close up on the lion.
We got to eat some delicious food their too, and I got a rooster necklace, since I was born in 2005, the rooster year. Anyways, that was pretty much what we did there.
Also, the new year, means some new post updates!
I'll give you a couple of hints of the theme I will be selecting for a new string of posts.
It's a brand.
Its icon is red, white, and black
(That's all I am telling you.)
These new posts start whenever I am ready, which will probably be like on Young's birthday, February 2nd.
I decided to write a whole new section of posts specifically about something I can't reveal yet. Also, it would be helpful if you can fill out form that requires a really short answer. For the form, you can ask me anything you want me to write about.
"As long it's appropriate."
-Arca at MMMS
"I consider inappropriate, appropriate, but really inappropriate, inappropriate."
So, please give me some suggestions for posts, and remember, it can be whatever you want it to be as long as its... you know, you could always read those quotes from the famous philosopher, Xiang Meng.
Wow. My post writing skeeels aren't as rusty as I thought.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Thursday, January 5, 2017
10,000 Views Post + BLOG UPDATE! + WHO KNOWS WHAT
As you might have noticed, in the year 2016, we have reached 10,000 views, and I'm kind of late for that, since it's 2017 now, and we have 11,000 views!
Since this is the 10,000 views post, I have something that you can see at the end. Just don't skip to the end, otherwise things might not make sense.
This is a big accomplishment as my first year of blogging, reaching 10,000 views, in 10 months, which is all not that good, but beginners start like that. (If ya do the math, that's about 1,000 views per month.) This year, I am hoping to get to 20,000, which is set as my next goal. I do have a lot of people to thank for making this blog great, such as...
Arca Baran!
(This is what I call... Arca in disguise!)
Da boss.
He is a Turkish kid who also has a blog. He has kinda mentored me, telling me about the details and stuff like that. We've been friends since first grade. But after that, he was forgotten. To my surprise, I have no idea how, but we became friends again in fifth grade. Kind of strange, huh? He is a member of my blog too! Here is a link to his blog, if you have never been there. (you probably have!)
Kevin Liu
Sorry, can't get a picture of him.
He is also one of my friends, but currently nonactive as Administrator on this blog. He used to be, but one day, he will post something. Hopefully.
And here is Liang's blog that deserves to be here: (You probably haven't visited his blog. Ahem, NEW blog.)
He hasn't had much time to post yet, but just answer his polls and stuff. That place is weird.
Now for blog update:
Pretty good, huh?
Oh, one extra thing! I have a new google form for suggestions of background/name/logo! You can enter your name if you want to be credited in a special post of its own! This is no joke, no virus, no thug trying to steal your identity or something. (Why would I do that?) Here is the link.
The rest remained the same, but I changed some names of the gadgets and deleted one of the minor gadgets.
Let's move on to the final step, ??????????????????
OK, here is a picture of something. Who knows what.
Just imagine this even though there is bad editing. (Do you recognize this person from somewhere else???)
At the end, you might have thought I was done, but one of the biggest thanks are to...
![Image result for you](
YOU VIEWERS of the blog! If it hadn't been for you guys, I would have never reached 5000 or 10000. Well, I could've by just reloading my page, but that would be considered cheating. I hope you people enjoyed this post as well as my blog! I do have a winter vacation post, and even if it is kind of too late, I hope you've had a merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!! BYEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
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